Your journey begins here with our Morocco Travel Guide. From Moroccan Holidays and Festivals to the Best Restaurants, where to Shop in the Souks and Market Places along with Fascinating Museums and exclusive information catering to American Jews Traveling in Morocco, you are guaranteed the most up to date information.
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American Jews Traveling in MoroccoWhat makes Morocco a safe haven for Jewish Travelers? What makes Morocco safe for American Jewish travelers today? Morocco’s grand history of which Jews have historically been a part. Morocco’s history of Jewry and the co-mingling of Jews with Berbers and Arabs are a key factor in why Morocco is safe for Jewish travelers today. ...
Fascinating Museums in MoroccoVisit Morocco’s museums to indulge in Moroccan architecture, art, crafts, history, archaeology, and science. Morocco has museums throughout the country devoted to regional features and cultural highlights where you can learn about local Moroccan culture and gain a deeper knowledge of the country and its inhabitants. Museum of Moroccan Arts and Antiquities Located within Dar ...
Moroccan Holidays & FestivalsMoroccans celebrate Muslim holidays and national holidays throughout the country, and more local festivals are held throughout the year in the Imperial Cities and small villages. The dates of religious holidays are based upon the lunar calendar and change every year. Plan your trip to Morocco during festivals and holidays for a real inside look ...